Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Italian Method

Oh la la! My midwife cracked me up today in our birthing class. Today the topic was Contractions. Two of the best things I have ever heard her say were....

1. Sylvie explained, "There are all sorts of ways to jump start contractions. There are drugs you can put in an IV, you can take a long walk up hill... you can try it à l'Italienne (the Italian Method) which essentially involves having lots of sex with your husband right around your due date." Oh Italians! Do you deserve this title? Or is this another Turkish Toilet situation?!

2. One of the other mothers-to-be in the class asked Sylvie if the baby would be uncomfortable during contractions? "Oh no no no. That little baby will be sitting in your uterus clam and happy like it had just smoked a fat doobie. Those happy hormones will be running through your veins and his. Nature has this one covered." I wonder if this phenomenon contributes to a baby's desire to immediately eat when he is born?

1 comment:

laura said...

I laughed out loud about the second comment! Hillarious!