Happy New Year isn't just something you say to those around you when the clock strikes twelve on the 31st. In France, Happy New Year or
Bonne Année is something that must be systematically and individually wished to each one of your loved ones, cherished shopkeepers and neighbors. Much like the daily ritual of wishing your kin
Bonjour, you must do it with sincerity and with accuracy, never wishing the same person twice in one year
Bonne Année just as you would never, heaven forbid, tell someone
Bonjour twice in one day.
Even the city of Paris gets their wishes out to the masses |
Here you are far more likely to receive a Happy New Year card in the mail than a Christmas card with family news and shiny photos, makes sense in a country that prides itself on
laïcité, secularism. Gregoire assures me that we have until the end of January to send out our good thoughts in card form to our French friends and family. He also emphasized how incredibly gauche it is to wish someone a
Bonne Année in advance. And so since one minute past midnight last Saturday I have been sending text messages, doing a few phone calls and above all keeping careful track in my head of those who I have and haven't seen yet and wishing them a
Bonne Année in person.
Keeping track is key, nothing offends the French faster than greeting them twice, as it makes the first greeting look like it wasn't important to you. We all know from my post about
French Kissing that the greeting ritual here is taken very seriously. Recently I was working on set with all sorts of people I don't yet know milling about, overwhelmed by the size of the studio and the newness of my new job (more on that some other day) I was smiling my brightest American smile and greeting everyone I saw. A women walked in, we exchanged
bonjours. She later walked back out then walked by our table again. Knowing how rude it is not to greet someone in this sort of environnent I smiled and offered up a
bonjour. She stopped, whipped around and curtly replied
"RE-bonjour you mean...". You can toss in a
re infront of your
bonjour which will turn it into hello again as opposed to just hello, this could be employed at the bakery for example. If you were to pick up your morning bread and greet the sales person with a cheery
bonjour, then that afternoon were they still to be working when you picked up your dinner bread you would wish them a
rebonjour! Give it a try, they will be delighted that your morning encounter meant so much to you that you remember it and them and thus adjusted your greeting to reflect that. This stickler of a woman reminded me of that long ago learned lesson.
So to all of you (except of course the ones I have already spoken to since midnight on the 31st) I wish you a very
Bonne Année. I think this is going to be a big year.